Monday, January 31, 2011


I have exactly the same happening here, our Gus drinks out of the cat's bowl and she uses his. I think it is the case of other peoples always taste better. Even to the food It is much easier to put the same food in the bowls and leave them to it. Very warm and wet here, the dehumidifier is going all the time. Still looking after kittens, really enjoying them most of the time, so far they have cost me net curtains, walk about phone and a gold locket, oh and they have chewed the corner of the wall in my hall.I don't want another cat but one little one is soooooooo cute, he is part Siamese with the longest legs and ears big enough to use for flying! He also climbs up me to reach my shoulder.I had to go to the hospital last week for a check and the Dr looked at my stomach with a funny look and then I realized my tum was covered with little scratches,after I stopped laughing I had to explain the reason, fortunately he also thought it was funny. Hugs to all and keep warm,Bee in NZ.


At February 1, 2011 at 11:49 AM , Blogger Mary in Oregon said...

Bee, your scratched tummy was a funny story! Thanks for sharing. The doc must have been really wondering. LOL
Mary in Oregon


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