Monday, December 27, 2010

More aftershocks for Marion

More damage in Christchurch for for Marion to come home to, quite a bit of damage and some of the buildings may have to come down. I am so glad I live up in the North Island. we angle away from the Circle of Fire which goes around the Pacific. a friend's husband is a quantity surveyor and has been in the area since Sept. She is beginning to wonder if he is ever coming home BUT as she is a quilter there is a good side as her quilt is nearly finished.She now knows how good it is to be able to cook for one, all the goodies we like to eat. I am living on Chinese type meals and now so is she ,great for the hot weather. we have been seeing the snow on TV you must be so fed up with it and poor Jane, snowed in again, keep warm all of you. I still have 3 kittens, they all have homes just waiting to send them to the vet and then they can go . I didn't realise just how quick they can be the little ginger one only has to hear my front door open and he appears from nowhere ready to leave, just as well he has a long tail.The dog is enjoying watching the dears play and watches his tail as it is quite a thing of joy ,I am sure he wishes it was a short one or he could turn the wag off.Must be away to wash the bathroom floor of all the food, a little dear must have fallen in his biscuits and they are now all over the floor actually I will let Gus in , he likes cat biscuits. Hugs and keep warm , Bee in NZ


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