Monday, August 30, 2010

Seam ripper woes

OK, I know this isn't as important as world peace, or cures for cancer, but geeeee.
I bought the Fonz and Porter seam ripper on Friday, used my JoAnne 40% off coupon, which made it $2.99. Used it once on Friday afternoon, the darn thing kept rolling off of the table onto the floor--about 3 or 4 times. The handle is round and cushy.
On Sunday evening I moved a pile of fabric, the ripper hit the floor again, and this time broke the sharp end off at the base. DH and I both looked for it, cause it has a sharp point and don't want to step on it. No luck.
I called this JoAnne's (there are 2 locally) and asked if I could exchange it, as I had only bought it Friday. They said yes. Took receipt, and broken thing back last evening at 6:30 and got a new one. It is still in it's box. I guess will have to put it up in the gadget basket each time I use it, or it will continue to roll on the floor.
Will try to be more careful in the future.
Rosey--we had some fresh corn several times in July, yum. Your's will be better since there were no chemicals involved. My local grocery had tons of it. So much so that I got tired of eating it! Now I'm on to South Carolina peaches.
The weather is finally cooling off-another yea. As in under 90 for 2 days straight. A cool breeze also. We think this is from Danielle who thankfully went by, just stired up the Atlantic Ocean some. Now we are watching "Earl" who hopefully will do the same. I actually went into the yard at 7AM and trimmed hedge, re-tied up vines on the posts of the pergola, etc.

A GF is coming over tonight to help sew with the indian costumes. I need the company more than the help, but help is always a good thing.
OK, someone else check in--inquiring minds want to know stuff.
Sara in Fla.


At August 31, 2010 at 11:40 AM , Blogger Sandi Irish said...

Sara, it's not pretty, but put a layer of a couple of pieces of masking tape on one side of your seam ripper to create a flat spot or bump to stop it from rolling.


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