Sunday, March 28, 2010

catching up on board stuff

Greetings from pollen-land
I've never seen so much yellow-green pollen everywhere. We just got back last night from a trip to Orlando. Even there the oak pollen was thick. I had the SUV washed just the day before the trip, and it looks like it hasn't been washed in 6 mo.
We went to see Shamu and feed the dolphins at Sea World. Lots of people there due to spring break and still winter in the north, but not so many that it was unpleasant. While standing in the line to feed the dolphins I struck up a conversation with a family from South Africa. They come to the US every year to see family. Don't think I could stand an 18 hr. flight with small children.
The dolphins are used to being fed, there are strict rules, etc., but it was still fun. I can only describe their skin as the feeling of "microfiber". Smooth, but not yuckie.
We went over to the stadium where the Orca show is. (Where the one trainer was killed a few weeks ago) They were very careful not to get into the water with the orcas, but make it seem like they were. Very good to see them up close. Even though we were in the way back seating. The people on the first 10 rows got a good splashing!
It is amazing to me how a huge animal that is a wild thing can be trained so well.
The other animals were interesting also. I did not ride any of the roller-coaster type rided but the man in our party that came to visit did go. I'll just keep my feet on the ground.
QUESTIONS-Bee I see that others are talking about your husband, why is he in hospital?
Marion-Does NZ use there own dollar? What would it be approx. to a US dollar?

I had high hopes of getting youth kids over to spread all my pine straw when I last posted. But, no messages while I was gone. Sigh--will have to keep looking, and do a little bit a day I guess.
Itching to go use my $200.00 worth of batiks I bought at the favorite quilt shop that is going out of business. This will be my fabric budget for at least the next 12 months. I did go a "BIT" overboard. At least it's better than useless trinkets.

Must find an Easter dress this coming week, and a new pair of shoes to go with.
Sara in Fla.


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