Monday, October 27, 2008

Echo Bee


I too have to echo Bee about the discord. There is so much politics everywhere these days. You can not turn on a radio or TV without being bombarded with it and it seems that even the experts(LOL) can not agree on the personalities or their expertise of the people that are running for election.
We all have different ideas, values, wants, and passions. Maybe we need to agree to disagree and enjoy each others differences.

That part came out last month with the retreat. We all are so different and yet we share so very much. We can bond as sisters because we can understand and feel so much alike.

I hope we can always be like that because we will lose so much if we do not.Once it is gone it will be very hard to put back together.

On a happier note I got the sewing passion back. Yahoo, I feel great about this.
Going to finish my coffee and then hear my machine whhrrrr.
Later and hugs


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