Sunday, September 21, 2008

Grace's Retreat

Grace's Retreat hasn't officially started but unofficially the fun has already begun. There has been a flurry of activity on the Yahoo retreat site as well as personal e-mails with people arranging locations to meet at the airport in Ottawa, Grace updating us on the whirlwind of activities she has planned, etc. Betty had to bow out this week due to a family commitment - we will miss her! - but she still sent items for the goodies bags to Kathi so they make it to the retreat even if she can't! Everyone will be arriving on Thursday the 25th - Celia P., Jean, Kathi S., Celia B., Marie, Jane and myself all flying into Ottawa, Nellie driving a total of about 14 hours (one way), Brenda, Brenda's sister, Grace and several of Grace's friends all converging on Pembroke. I probably forgot some but I know there will be fourteen. If we have access to a computer you will be hearing from us by the end of the week. I'm already wondering where the next one will be. Joleen in MN


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