Well, it was a month of travelfor me. First I flew to CA to visit with DD#2. A week after my return I drove to Rochester, NY with my hairy roommate. She is such a great traveler. She had to spend the NY time at a rather luxurious kennel and joined me for the trip to NJ to spend a few post holiday madness days with kindergarten friend, Julie and her Golden Retriever, Luke. I had a long endless feast of foods I love and rarely undulge in and almost no exercise so gained five pounds. Phooey.
My DDs went to gether and gave me an IPod for Christmas. I'm thrilled. I've thinking about it for a year and they finally got tired of hearing me think about it. Haven't had time since getting home Monday night since I left a terrible mess when I left and then added to it. I also had to bring back one of the boys' quilts to finish fuzzing up the seams. I'm attaching a couple of pictures of the Christmas morning celebration of materialism and family.
My knee surgery is scheduled for the 22nd with pre op visit, dentist, and a bunchof other stuff scheduled before then. I'll be hospitalized three to four days then a week or more in rehab facility. I hope to recover much better than the last time. In three years techniques have changed and it is a much better hospital than the local place I went to three years ago. I will be at Mission Memorial Hospital in Asheville which acquired the big hospital across the road a few years back from the Sisters of Mercy. My knee job will be at the St. Joseph Campus of what is now called Mission Hospitals. I've heard that the food is awful but the nursing care is great. Nursing care last time was dreadful.
Well, here are the pictures, I hope.
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