Monday, October 22, 2007

News of Kitty

Hello, my friends! It has been too long since I have posted -- and I have been feeling bad about that -- but now I have had a note from Kitty and she asked me to pass on the message here. Some of you will know that she was thought to be in remission for the last few months, but that has changed.

"I saw my Oncologist this morning. I can't have anymore chemo. My bone marrow is too damaged. I will get 2 wks. of radiation (every day) on the spot that has not gone away. Then I will get Rituxan to try to keep the cancer at bay. It didn't do very well when we used it before. When the cancer comes back, there isn't anything left they can do."

I think Kitty needs to be on a few prayer lists...

As for me, there is not much going on. The diet has not got back on track yet, but I have not regained the weight I lost, so that is OK. I have a houseful of cats and kittens and I am ready for the last of them to move on! The youngest are some adorable little orphans I have been hand raising since they were about two weeks old. I keep taking pictures of them for the calendar I am designing for the cat rescue group -- they are so very cute! The roadside stand is now closed for the season and I am starting to do some of the things I have no time for during the summer -- I have joined a weekly sewing bee and have a sweater partly knitted and am planning the sewing I will do for the craft fair booth that raises money for cat rescue. And life goes on...

Jean, off to round up assorted cats and kittens and stow them safely for the night...


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