Sunday, October 21, 2007

checking in

Hi All,
What a great day today. It was like summer without the bugs. Just a joy to be out and about. Not that I went anywhere.
I am still trying to make my hand work. Two weeks ago I had carpal tunnel surgery on my right hand. I had my left hand done last fall and it has left my index finger and thumb sort of numb. I was told that I had done a lot of damage to the nerve by waiting as long as I had, so was glad that my right hand was going to be done before it was giving me as much trouble as the left had done.
Well it did not help much. My right hand is now giving me more trouble than it did before the surgery. I am hoping that I can get some therapy and that that will help.
Of course things could always be worse, so I am not complaining too much.As long as I pay attention to what I am doing , I can still do almost whatever I want .And it is early yet.
So with this going on , I of course have done no special projects.
This weekend is a little retreat. We do not go far, I am only about ten minutes from home, but have told DH that of course I am NOT coming home to prepare the meals for you. This is my weekend. Food . laughs , laughs and lots more food.What could be more fun.
Hope you all have a great week. Hugs all around.
Still collecting names for next fall retreat. The last weekend in Sept. I need to come up with a good retreat name. kuiken


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