My Favourite Time of Year

Like Snoopy, I am hooked on autumn! The days get cooler, and shorter. The sky turns grey and it even rains sometimes! I can walk, and drink tea, and sleep at night. One cup a day of tea, and no coffee, ever--but I sleep better. The first vegetable soup of the season is on the stove, and boy does it smell good!! I call it "one soup"-- a quart of good broth with "one" of whatever I've got in the fridge. It changes every time, of course. I love it with a good dollop of miso, especially when I'm coming down with a cold or just want to feel comforted. What is it about miso, I wonder? When I'm overtired or unwell, it's what my body craves. I've even eaten it on toast. And to think I'd never heard of it about 18 mos ago! I was coming down with a cold and my friend in the Asian grocery said, "Here, try this." It's salty, but stirred into a bowl or cup of soup it gives it a special something that is very satisfying.
I am the silliest womble on earth. I'm supposed to speak again on the 21st, and someone suggested I re-present a previous talk with transparencies, which the first time I gave it there were only about 8 people present. Do you think I could find the silly things? I looked and looked, knowing they had to be in the large hutches in the lvg room. I looked everywhere I could think of, twice. Some places three times. So today, I decided to take down all the books, take out the drawers and just go through everything until they turned up--dusting as I went. I was 3/4 of the way down the row when they appeared--in the video cabinet, if you please!! Ye what? That's right, laying on top of the few commercial videos we still have. How they got there, I would be the last person to ask. Probably in a moment of abstraction...this is the same doofus who dropped her (my) keys in the clothespin basket and spent the rest of the day looking for them. I looked, my neighbour Bea looked, DH looked--no keys! I began to think I had put the silly things in my mouth and swallowed them. Can't remember how I found them, but there they were of course. I remember it had been raining when I came home and I dashed to get the washing in off the line. What price absent mindedness?
Congrats to all who are losing weight. That isn't happening for me just now, not helped by the fact that we have had 2 lunch guests last week on different days, were guests ourselves one day, and had a fellowship meal at church Sunday. And tomorrow--you guessed--another guest for lunch. But I managed to eat mostly veg on Sunday and there is no more icecream for tomorrow. I AM doing better with the walking since it cooled down.
So far only 2 students, another may come tomorrow, we'll see. Of course NOW the city has dug trenches all along our street, right by the doors to the buildings. They had all summer to do this, but today was the day. My new student will be horrified. I just hope they get the job done, quickly (dream on.) And the latest porkbarrel posters read "Sevilla, the city of people." City of machines, you mean!!
I almost forgot to mention, I have finally seen the Cohen bros film "Fargo." OK, yeah, where have I been, but it was on the sale table. For 4 bucks, I dared buy a movie I'd never seen! I liked it...not least because I grew up in the Midwest. (Jeez, ya know? Yah.) And I liked that the violence was there, and noticeable, but very French in its filming--suggest, let the audience get it, and move on. No closeups, no slow motion, very little blood visible. Well cut, well made. Not what I would call "funny" but amusing because I grew up with people like that. (Not the killers--the other folks.) And three cheers for the actors. The extras were great, and gave me all the info I needed to know that I probably *won't* be seeing any of the other Cohen bros. productions.
I loved "Fargo." I thought it was darkly funny and well cast. I have also seen Raising Arizona and O Brother... and was not as impressed. I've avoided the rest.
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