Friday, November 13, 2015


For those of you in colder climes...close your eyes and imagine the smell of this lovely climber !  It is just outside the sliding doors of our living room. These are wide open for most of the day ,so you can imagine how much I enjoy this time of year.   We are still getting cold days here, and had some rain and hail storms yesterday but more settled weather is promised !!  WE are SO looking forward to that !


At November 13, 2015 at 4:09 PM , Blogger RoseyP said...

Marion, you're going to have to identify your bush and plants for us, can you do that?

I can imagine leaving the doors open and smelling the spring trees blossoming. Our apple and lilac trees outdid themselves earlier this year in our springtime.

Today, Nov. 13, we went out to the back fields and cut down our Christmas tree and along with the lawn tractor, pulled it up to the house...mind you it took two of us pulling it through the field grass to get it over to the tractor. We put this up outside our sliding glass doors in the family room, which is beside our wood stove. I decorate the tree with white lights and we leave it up until next April when it's time to get the lawn furniture out. It's so beautiful looking out the window of my studio, the dining room and the family room at this tree with it's lit up at night. I am going to purchase a squirrel-proof bird feeder this year...there are actually squirrel proof bird feeders but the little b*ggers are so clever that they can remove the suet cages off the tree and last year ate through two plastic bird feeders so, this year I plan to wage war on them. We enjoy watching them feed from the feeders too and the dogs are fascinated with them but they are monkeys and they will empty the seed out of the feeders when the figure out how. We haven't had an indoor Christmas tree for years now and this gives us nearly six months of pleasure looking at the tree.

It seems funny as I've said before, you're going into your spring and we, into winter.

At November 13, 2015 at 7:20 PM , Blogger RoseyP said...

Missed your subject line, Marian, honeysuckle it is...we have honeysuckle here too in Canada. Rosey

At November 13, 2015 at 8:47 PM , Blogger Marion in NZ. said...

Do show us a photo of the tree when it is up and decorated Rosey, It sounds as if it will be beautiful and such a joy to you through the winter months. We don't have squirrels here in NZ. butI do enjoy seeing them when we are in England and Scotland

We are not usually at home at Christmas time so I gave my artificial tree away a few years ago. can't say that I have missed it ! WE will be away this year again staying with my daughter and family. She loves all of the traditional decorations and they will be out in full force ! So nice to be able to enjoy them without having the tedious job of taking them down and packing them up again ! I must be getting old .

Dreadful news coming out of France, so hard to combat these sorts of attacks..


At November 28, 2015 at 5:54 PM , Blogger Sara in Florida said...

Honeysuckle! How I love the smell. And the hummingbirds loved it too when I had my butterfly garden in the house.
Grew up in Virginia where it grew wild. Thanks for the post.
Sara in Fla.


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