Thursday, May 28, 2015

Rain . . .

Checking in with y'all..... we have had quite a bit of rain over the past week, but nothing like that Texas and Arkansas have received.    This morning, when I took the dog out, the air smelled moldy.   Eeeew.  The grass has grown six inches in the past week (I am not joking) and hopefully it will not be too wet for the mowing crew to cut it.

I've finished a couple of maxi skirts for myself this past month, no quilts - but I still go to quilt guild, so hopefully I can still participate here.   LOL

Rosey P - thanks for posting about the latest Louise Penny book.   Our local library did not have a single one in Kindle format a year ago.   After reading your post below, I checked and they now have several of her books in Kindle format.  Hooray!   I never used the library before I bought a Kindle.   It's so easy now, I just check the books out online and download via our WiFi.   I never have to get in the car, tangle with the worsening traffic and increasing number of stop lights, and I don't have to drive back to return the book.   I never thought I would ever buy a Kindle, but after I did, I've read more books than I have in the previous ten or fifteen years.  

Nothing else new here of any interest.   Summer has arrived, golf season has begun, and we need to do major replacement of wood on our back deck.   Ugh . . .

Hugs to everyone!


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