Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Tues. evening

Marion-I commend you for making the decision to move.  I know we will have to do it at some time in the future.  Just not ready right now.  DH says he is going to work until this December when he will be 65, and then we will have to make some decisions.
Everyone I know here in the states is nervous with Mr. Obama being elected for another 4 years.  We know we will be paying more in various taxes, and gas taxes have already gone up $.10cents a gal.  As the owner of a small business we never know what the year will bring.
Today I spent 2 or 3 hrs. doing some quilting, and having fun.  It was a nice morning to stay home.  I washed, and ironed all the FQ and 1/2 yard pieces that I bought over the last few days. 
Drove all the way over to the beach to meet with a nutritional consultant this afternoon, and also bought some fresh shrimp at Mayport.  It was worth the drive, yum.
DD is on the phone now, all upset over her eye check up.  She has some white spots on her cornea, and a virus.  She will get some new glasses, and her vision should be better soon.  She is having trouble with a part time person at the post office where she works and is at a loss as to how to handle the woman.  DH is giving her advice.  I think that she will be quiting the job soon anyway, as her hours are going to be cut to 2 hrs. a day at the end of the month.
Going to go watch some mindless TV and rest.
Sara in Fla. --where we are supposed to get our first freeze tonight.


At January 23, 2013 at 8:10 AM , Blogger RoseyP said...

Sara, I'm in Canada, I'm apolitical but I believe you'd have a worse time of it financially with taxes, etc. if the Republicans had been elected. From my point of view here, I don't know whether Bush jumped the gun on the war he got the country into in Afghanistan and Iran or not. It's cost the country dearly. The US banks allowing mortgages without requiring collateral; Wall Street greed, paying off the debt of wars, all of this is falling on whatever leader has been chosen now. It is a time of restraint. And perhaps if Congress and the Republicans had not been so intent in blocking the Democrats at every turn over the past four years and trying to discredit Obama and his policies, the country might be in better shape. Congress is full of politicians who are not serving the betterment of the country but their own agendas in overlooking the needs of the population of the United States. It never falls on one person. There comes a time to pay the piper. And I'm neither for or against any leader but I will say this, from what I observe here in Canada, the Obamas show a great deal more financial restraint than other presidents have had up to George Bush, who did not appear to go overboard either in the lavishness of political society. What affects you down in the US affects us in Canada but our banking system alone is superior to the US and always has been. Yet, we have a huge debt here ourselves. These times are not easy times financially.

At January 23, 2013 at 3:43 PM , Blogger Sara in Florida said...

Tried to comment from the I-pad but no luck. I looked up the last time the US Govt. was debt free, it was 2000 under Clinton. I didn't like him because of his womanizing, but he had a balanced budget.

At January 23, 2013 at 6:25 PM , Blogger RoseyP said...

Sara, That's an interesting comment and interesting fact to source out. I did not like Clinton either, initially, but he grew into the job and I grew to admire him despite his picadillios (sp?). If the public ever knew the inside story of a lot of political figures (which we often hear about after they die) anyone with the charisma to run for political office and succeed as Clinton did, would have the charisma to attract women. If you want to read an interesting series of books, (four of them sequentially), look up Robt. Caro's books on Lyndon Johnson. They explain much of what goes on in politics in Washington and the determination of one man to become President of the United States.

The whole world's economy is suffering. I don't envy Obama and his administration in the upcoming four years.



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