Sunday, October 14, 2012

Preparing for winter

The arrival of our winter's wood is always exciting.  First of all, we can hear this big truck coming up from the crossroad a half mile south as it starts up the slight hill towards the end of our laneway; then up and over the hill on our laneway and down into the property where it takes no time at all to off-load the logs.  Then my husband cuts the wood into lengths with a chain saw and today, my son and family arrived to help run the log splitter and stack the wood.  We'll rent the log splitter again in two weeks and should get enough wood cut for winter.  Although we have an electric furnace, given the cost, we'd rather heat with wood.

Jane Brown is having trouble signing onto WWQP BB & Chat Board.  Eric is not responding to her request to rejoin the forum.  I'm not sure that I understand what is happening or why.  Is there anything we should know about this board that we don't know or are not being informed about?

Having a nearly five hyperactive granddaughter here all day is a wee bit wearing.  Grandpa Jock came into the family room to lie down and be in charge of looking after her but when I checked on them, she was measuring everything in the familyroom with his metal tape measure and said:  Grandma Rosey, don't disturb Grandpa Jock, he's trying to sleep.  Who was looking after who?

Rosey in Canada


At October 15, 2012 at 9:17 AM , Blogger Doris W. in TN said...

Beautiful photos, Rosey. Yes,,, one might ask who is watching whom between your grandchild and Jock. LOL

At October 15, 2012 at 11:11 AM , Blogger Kathi in Idaho said...

Send one of those lovely loads of logs this way. We don't have our winter wood in yet, either. Maybe next week.....

Love the five year old story. Sounds like something that would happen here.

At October 17, 2012 at 12:23 AM , Blogger Marion in NZ. said...

Rosey, I think that amount of wood would last us for at least five years! I can see that splitting and stacking it, has become part of what you do as a family. That makes it rather special. Men seem to love using log splitters, it appeals to their "hunter gatherer" instincts, probably.
We nearly ran out of wood this winter, it was a particularly long and dreary winter. The wood for next winter should be here in a week or two, sadly, we have no family around to help us stack it!


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