Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Phew, glad to hear from Sara

The news here is all about Isaac and I was wondering if any of our group were in his path. I just cannot imagine winds like you are getting. We don't have such extremes of weather as you have in the States.Makes me realise how lucky we are in is now 3am and I am having one of my can't sleep nights.Can fall asleep anytime during the day but not at night,I am starting to wonder if I am becoming nocturnal LOL. I have always been a night owl but this is ridiculous. Trouble is I am just sleepy enough to have to correct most of my typing. Spring is really arriving here the perfume outside is wonderful and one of my new orchids is in flower and it is so sweet , the whole room smells like a garden, better than smelling of dog, who by the way is having dry shampoos this winter which he hates as much as the real thing. Our other dogs liked the water and it is so strange to have one who won't go outside if it is raining, he does go but with help not on his own accord.Glad to see Rosey has as much trouble posting photos as I do , I have given up trying. I am very computer challenged and some3times when I try to do things on here I make such a mess I am continously surprised the poor computer goes back to where it was before I messed with it. Think I had better go and sleep , my typing is getting really bad. Take care my friends and anyone who is near Isaac good luck. Hugs Bee in NZ.


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