Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Nothing of Importance

Jane, are you not glad, regardless of the adrenalin rush of going to court with clients, to have that life behind you now? You are in a more peaceful place now up there in the mountains and if you fall of the WeightWatchersWagon once in awhile, who cares. You don't have to fit into a business suit any more. I've only had one migraine in my life and that was one too many. Hope your head is feeling better, Doris, as well.

Tonight the wind is whipping around the outside of the house and the rain is falling in gusts on the skylights of my studio. It's cold, too. The apple trees are in blossom, the grass is velvety green and the tulips are still tulipy and full of colourful petals. It feels like late autumn up here in the country. I think summer happened in April.



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