Saturday, October 3, 2009

audio books

This is just a short note to say how much I've enjoyed all the activity. Keep it up!
My commute to TN to teach everyday takes me about 45 minutes each way, and I've gotten in the habit of listening to audio books. I've found a site called Librivox that has the goal of reading all literature in the public domain onto their site. The books are read by volunteers. So far I've found books by Alcott, Dickens, Shakespeare, Bronte, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, and the Bible, Peter Pan and Robinson Crusoe. The only thing that has bothered me so far, other than a rare mispronunciation on the part of one of the volunteers, is that some of the books are read by more than one person. I find it a bit distracting to change readers at the chapter. I put them on my Ipod, but if your computer is in the sewing room, you could easily just play them on your computer. I burnt them onto CD at first, but I was going through an immense number of Cd's. I think I'm going to look for all my childhood favorite books next, such as Black Beauty.
I've been sick all week with a sinus infection that didn't get cured by the first round of antibiotics. This time it has really knocked me down, and then I got a major hay fever attack on top of it. I didn't feel as bad as the people with the flu, but I really felt bad for me! I did break down and actually go to the doctor, so I know I really didn't have the flu.
I'm on fall break this week, but I'm going down to Montgomery to spend some time with my parents, so I doubt I'll get any quilting done. Maybe I'll take the apple core quilt pieces with me to slip stitch closed.
The weather, after three solid weeks of rain, has been lovely. I have been too sick to enjoy it. Hopefully it will last a few weeks longer.
Hugs and prayers for all in need.
Laura in Alabma


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