Sunday, November 23, 2008

"Poorly" husband somewhat better/Thanksgiving

Checking in from north Florida this morning. My DH is feeling well enough to go to church this morning. This is great, as it has been 3 weeks.
The glands in his neck are still sticking out, but his energy level is returning, and his brain isn't so fuzzy. He has a follow-up apt. with the family Dr. tomorrow morning, so hopefully will get a good blood count report. This has been a doozie of an infection!
We have been using our quilts in the last week. A cold snap of 35 to 40 is news here. It is good for the A/C heating business, as things had been slow for a month.
Thanksgiving--I know our Canadian sisters have had their's and other countries don't have the same traditions. It is one of those holidays that can't be "retailed" to death as Christmas has become. I'm thankful this year for my DH's better health, and that DD is hosting the big dinner on Thursday. This is her first year of doing so, and I'm so glad. All I'm doing is bringing mashed potatoes.
I did meet our running group downtown yesterday morning at 7:00. Burrr. it was about 33 degrees on the riverfront. The sunrise over one of the downtowm bridges, with a group of runners going across was a beautiful sight. We did 6 miles in the cold and wind. Slow, about 17:30 pace, but we all finished well.
Ok, off to shower and fix breakfast. Thankful that the sun is out.
Sara in No. Fla.


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