Friday, June 20, 2008

Gas prices, runnaway dog, etc./snooring questions

There was an article in the paper Wed. that the price of corn is going up, due to using it to produce gas, and the flooding in Iowa, etc. The least I could find it for this morning was $3.99 a gal. Not so long ago I would go about 6 blocks out of my way if it was 99cents on one side of the street and $1.01 on the other -Awk! Do we sound like our parents? I remember when I was about 5 years old driving with my Mom to the Texaco station and her getting 25cents or 50 cents of gas, they would have you step out and whisk broom out the car, and give you green stamps.
Things were going very well with the doggy training yesterday morning, we did some walking and "sit", "stay", and other commands in the driveway.
I gave her a break it the back yard to play, the phone rang, and she was gone like greased lightning. Dug a hole, went into the neighbor's yard, and when I went over there she was in full run, play mode. This yard faces a very busy street, and is on a curve. Another neighbor came over to help and 30 very hot, sweaty min. later I had a dirty, hot dog. I carried her home, I took a shower and plunked her down in the gray water and gave her a bath.
(gray water is once used water that is re-used for something else like watering the yard, or flushing the toilet) I was not a happy dog mommy.
Tomorrow is the early morning walk/jog downtown. Last Sat. we had someone talk about running shoes for 30 min. and by the time we actually got to the walk/jog part it was 7:30 AM and about 85F. Maybe tomorrow AM we can walk/jog first? That would make more sense, as in 30 min. it can heat up 10 degrees or more.
I did see the moon-set Thurs. morning at 6:02 AM. It looked liked a fall harvest moon, only in the western sky, and just setting. That alone was worth getting up to see.
DH has taken up his exercise/weight lifting in the past 2 weeks. I'm very happy about this. The down side is he is so tired that he sleeps soundly--a good thing, but he snoors like a freight train. Last night I got up and went in the guest bed, and then took an hour nap today on the couch.
Are we going to be one of "those" couples that sleep in seperate bedrooms?
I hate the thought, but am a total crab cake when I don't get some sleep.Hopefully when he loses 5 to 10 lbs. he will no longer have the snoor problem.
Sorry to hear about the broken neck not healing in DH of (?) in Arizona. Guess in comparrison my problems are small. Is he taking calcium, and drinking soy or other milk? Ice Cream? The calcium chews are easier to get down. Tums are better than nothing.
The 3 quilts I was working on on the last weekend are still in their bags, I haven't even unpacked them.
Drinking ice water and trying to stay in the A/C here in North Fla.


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