Wednesday, January 30, 2008

so far in 2008. . . .

Aside from cleaning out the sewing/quilting area/ and house training the new puppy, this month has been one of testing for DH with a "mystery" in his neck. I'm glad to have good medical doctors, but the waiting for these tests is anxiety producing.
He was having a stiff neck, finally went to family DR, had X rays and found out he had some arthritis in the back of his neck. He has had 3 apts. with my chiropracter and is doing better. Meanwhile, the X-rays found a 4.4 CM lump on his left throid gland. It is pressing on his wind pipe, but not causing pain. On Feb. 12th he goes for a thyroid scan. We are hoping and praying it is nothing, not a cancer. Normally thyroid things are not cancer, just growths that can be treated or removed, but he did have that malignant melanoma about 10 years ago, so there is about a 2 or 3% chance that could be back.
Anyway, we have had crummy/to beautiful weather here! One day one, one day another. I planted 3 flats of pansies, front and back, to give us some color.
Have been doing some walking, but not enough.
Quilt related-decided to go ahead and finish up the "doll" that I started in Jan. 05. So far I have a head, one eye, and a nose done.
The face is the hardest part, so when that is finished up, the rest should be easy (or easier).
Time to walk the puppy and start the day.
Sara in Fla.


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