Sunday, September 9, 2007

Sun. night

Hello, MJ, it's nice to see your posting on the bulletin more to the chat board when you have time.

Any advice of how to handle a charley horse when you are in the grip of an over-the-head muscle spasm? I can get up from hard surfaces but this aerobed, a blowup mattress, twin bed size, wobbles around like jelly when I try to get off it and unless I can roll off like a slug and hit the hard floor, it seems to leave me open for a bad leg cramp. It's happened before but it happened this morning as I've slept on it the past two nights due to an elected overload of guests here. The Taoist Centre had the opening of their temple this week-end and people flew in from all over the world and needed places to well, had a wedding party here all week-end, still have guests here till Wed., with one day off and then another wedding party. It pretty much ends at the end of Sept. Guess that's the last of sleeping on the floor in an aerobed. I'm no spring chicken but I can get them in bed as well. I take calcium, magnesium, eat well, don't eat on my feet a lot during the B&B season though which I don't think helps but who can happen in the midst of winter when I move around like a snail in hibernation. Some people say apply heat, some say apply cold. I say apply my insides..helps relax my muscles but I'm not usually able to get much beyond the next step when my muscles cramp.



At September 9, 2007 at 8:50 PM , Blogger Kathi in Idaho said...

I LOVE the cognac cure. That might work for me. Have you tried increasing your dietary potassium? I know that when mine was depleted when I was on chemo, having avocados (which are way higher than bananas) seemed to help. I seem to remember that dill pickles are also high.


At September 10, 2007 at 1:14 AM , Blogger anna in spain said...

I agree...I was getting these and the dr. prescribed bananas as avocados are hard to get here, expensive, and rock-hard when you buy them.
If you don't like plain nanas, you might try a shake or a smoothie with a whole fresh nana in it.
anna in spain


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