Monday, April 2, 2007


I'm back from the vet with bad news. I was right but not completely right about Shadow's vision failing. Not only are there cataracts but her irises fail to react adequately to light so that in the bright light she's letting in much too much light. The retinas don't look good either. Aunt Harriet (see earlier post) claims no ophthalmological expertise so Shadow and I will go see the doggie ophthalmologist from Charlotte when he does his one day a month in Asheville on the 24th. However, Harriet is not optimistic. She also claims Shadow will handle the loss of vision a whole lot better than I will. I'm sure that's the case. I'm sitting here really bummed out and she couldn't care less. Live in the moment is the message we should all learn from our hairy or feathered friends.

I will be sure to keep her in when the sun is super bright which in my yard is mostly true between noon and dinner time. I'm not nuts about the afternoon heat anyway and will be sure to get our hike in early as we are on the southwest side of the mountain. Eventually I will have to keep her within my view and I suppose eventually on a leash. I'll be forced to change my slovenly housekeeping so she won't be bumping into things.

Sorry, I shouldn't obsess until we see the ophthalmologist. (Then I'll obsess).

The mountainsides have a sudden burst of green. The trees must have leafed overnight.

Jane in NC


At April 6, 2007 at 4:01 PM , Blogger Beverley said...

Humans and animals cannot get old without getting something "wrong".Shadow will cope with whatever it is. Keep positive, there maybe something they can do for her, and if not, she could not be with a better Mum.


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