Tuesday, December 15, 2015

checking in

Hi again.  Guess we are all  very busy this time of year.  Thank you all for your sweet thoughts.
We will have a memorial service here in Jacksonville, at my church, as the nieces and nephew and families can't make the long drive to S. Fla.
I've been sick with various things since Thanksgiving day.  First sore throat, then head cold, then sore throat again.  Finally broke down and went to Dr's office Monday, saw his nurse PA, and I have an ear infection, swollen glands.  yuck -- taking a strong antibiotic now, eating lots of yogurt, and laying low.  Also on a pro-biotic.  (A good excuse to watch mindless TV and eat ice cream) -- getting tired of this, but know 2 more days and I'll be better.  Then can go and do.
DH has been a real trooper, and I'm eating soup.  I am promising myself that first thing tomorrow I'm going to put the labels on the 2 quilts I finished for the grands, and wrap them and get them under the tree.
Sara in Fla. at the beach


At December 19, 2015 at 5:37 PM , Blogger Doris W. in TN said...

Sara - I am so sorry to read that your mother has passed away. I hope the antibiotics do their work and get you back on your feet. (((Hugs)))


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