Saturday, November 14, 2015

Reflecting on the state of the world.....

The world is saddened and shocked by the recent events in France .  We live in frightening times. I look out on this scene and find it restful and restorative , I hope you do too...



At November 15, 2015 at 6:32 AM , Blogger RoseyP said...

Marion, I've just finished reading Catherine Coulter's latest book, Nemesis, which centres around terrorism and now France has happened. I can't bear to watch these images of violent terrorism plots on television any longer. If this is how Islam is, which I don't believe in it's core teachings, violence is supported, surely a greater power than they will rise up against how these people are choosing to take over the world. Good and evil. They will destroy the world. What I don't understand is with the number of those who celebrate the Islamic religion, why they are allowing the radicals to represent their religion. This I don't understand. Our small pocket of the world, I withdraw into, as you do Marion, with peaceful images, relieved to be somewhere for now which is safe. I've lived a life of privilege really, insofar as World War 2 was part of my very early years but after the war, the world settled for awhile, the economy allowed for jobs where one could begin and end with a company, loyalty and respect were part of our lives, rebelling was never an option but that was fine, we had no reason to rebel. And then came the sixties which broke through the barriers of respect, gradually. Now the world is an angry place. Surely something greater than anger can stand up to what it is doing to the world in the name of Islam. I feel this won't stop until those who believe in the teachings of Islam and Muhammad destroy their own radicals and take care of this world before their violence destroys it.


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