and one from the beginners class....

Well done Sandi. I love your work and enjoyed browsing on your web-page recently. I remember you before you were famous (!) and have followed your career with interest. Rosey, I've always admired that pattern of yours and it looks as if your friend has done it justice.
My little quilt has been made for a fund raising auction to be held next week. I hope it attracts some bids ! My thumbs are sore from the applique and hand quilting, but I did enjoy making it . Very proud of myself not to have bought any material for it. I'm trying to work my way through what I've already got here (should only take me several decades...)
We've had some very hot weather this week but it is cool again today. A sombre mood, here in NZ. There was an explosion in a West Coast mine yesterday and there are 29 men trapped underground. The rescue operation is all ready to go but they are waiting for indications that it's safe to send men down. An anxious time for families. We are hoping for a happy resolution to the situation. The rescue in Chile last month is an encouragement..
LOVE IT Marion! Congratulations on only using your stash too.
Yes, we have been watching the drama unfold and wishing they could get on with it for the sake of the families and miners themselves. Wishing for a positive result along with all N.Z'ers.
Marion, That's a wonderful quilt!
Hmmm, I'd bid if I were there, we have our fist grandbaby on the way!
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