Thursday, July 3, 2008

Oh, my goodness

Awake much too early with a headache I seldom have and weather changing which I am hoping is the cause of it and then to see Marion's picture of the mountains and hear of her experience flying in them is incredible. Did you take this photograph, Marion, yourself? How brave of you to take a single engine plane into an area such as this. And then to see the picture of Ginny Byer's fabric shop with all those wonderfully vibrant colours...what a feast for my eyes at this time of the morning, which is, 5:14 a.m. on Thursday. And I await the dawning of this day, the sky behind the trees just now lightening up to a barely visible delineation between the two and the day will bring more rain again. It should be sent to Alabama to water Laura's plants; it could be sent to California to fight the fires in Big Sur. Our weather here has been very rainy over the past few weeks yet the summer last year and before that, were filled with drought so I don't regret rainy days for we need them. Two mornings ago, I lifted my head from the computer screen and looked out my studio window to watch a mother deer and her tiny fawn come into the field next to me. The baby's legs were wobbly, barely able to keep up with its mother who seemed to move ahead without concern for her baby following her. The colour of the mother, such an intense tan colour, the baby, speckled and I could have missed it all with my head bent over the computer keyboard. What a moment in my visual time.

Yesterday I tacked my studio tables with Windex and a cloth; put papers away, through papers out; still not enough room for what I have on the go in the way of projects but at least I can see some organization here and wonder why I don't keep it this way all the time. I know that my bookcase is going to need attention and reorganization for it's not functioning for me. Why is it that tidying up my space makes me feel so good?



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