Monday, October 29, 2007

It was a dark and stormy day. . . . .and night

It is almost 6:00 PM here in north Florida. We have had a No'easter camp over us here, and it looks like it will stay at least 2 more days. This is why I don't want to live on the beach. On the evening news is a luxury home that is about to slide into the Atlantic Ocean. The family has lived there over 20 years, and the wife said that they had 2 weddings on their "deck" and many parties and graduations. When they moved there there was about 70 to 80 feet of beach, now about 2 feet. They had U-Haul trucks and were taking out everything they could. Granted, this doesn't compare with cancer, wildfires, or war, but it is still a loss.
No quilting going on here, between the 4 grands and gardening work and football, the days are flying by. I took 3 of the 4 grands with me on Sat. morning to do prep work (along with about 20 other adults and 20 other kids) to put in gardens at an intercity school. Someone rented or borrowed a gas powered roto-tiller, which made quick work of the digging. The men and boys constructed 8 raised planting beds, 8Ft. by 4Ft. This will be for the different classes to grow their own plants. I somehow became in charge of the butterfly garden. We tilled up the land, pulled weeds and rock out, and got the area ready to plant. For by birthday I asked DH for 2 Lantana plants, so put them in. It is supposed to rain until at least Wednesday, so hope the little things don't wash away.
Birthdays---they seem to come quicker now. I was served breakfast in bed, coffee just the way I like it and a Panara's cinamon bagel. Next year is one ending in 0, so will celebrate more then.
DD has her 37th birthday tomorrow. The babysitting we did Friday night was her gift.
I think I'll takie her some flowers from the grocery store tomorrow morning.
They went out of town for 1 and 3/4 days.
What's going on with our down under gals? Is it Spring/Summer coming on there?
All for now, going to have my soup and salad. DH has a meeting tonight and isn't coming home for dinner. I did laundry all day, and about 1 hr. of quilting.
Wishing I could send our rain to California. . . . .
Sara in Florida


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