Sunday, June 17, 2007

Sunday.. (clever title to your post Doris !!)

Cold day here and new snow on the mountains , it all looks very pretty !

It's a shame that you are such a good baker Rosey.. ..all those threats you keep baking ! It must take an iron will to resist them !!

I took some baking to a neighbour yesterday. A couple who have moved here from Zimbabwe. (sp ?)White, fifty plus and with only a suitcase of belongings between them... That's got to be hard. They are a delightful pair. We've had them here for a few meals and helped them out a bit, they had invited us there for lunch yesterday.. They are living in a very modest old (and cold !) cottage, but seem very happy there. They have both been able to get jobs. I can only admire their willingness to fit into another culture and society. They will do well here.

I see that "Anna in Spain" has finally found her way here. She has posted on the other page . Good to see a few "old "names appearing. Lots more to come I hope !

Worked on my quilt this afternoon. I want to get the top finished before DD#2 comes down for the holidays. I'm using her bdrm to sew in and have material all over the place ! She and her three children are coming down from Auckland for two weeks . This is all new for us. They used to live nearby, we would have the children out here regularly but not often altogether and staying for two weeks !!! Could be interesting....!?!

Time to get some dinner. Have a good day.



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