Monday, April 2, 2007

A note for Shadow

Jane please tell Shadow she won't notice a THING.Our English setter was mostly blind and we didn't even know until we took him to another beach to give him a change of scenery and he wouldn't get out of the car.A first as he was always ready to run. Our vet told us he would manage very well but don't move the house around. We took his advice and he was so happy. We used to go to a bach(cottage) miles away with heaps of room to run and we used to have to tell people that he was blind as no one ever could tell. Shadow will be as happy as ever and will manage her blindness if you don't move the furniture around . The vet told us dogs can live a perfect life as their noses are as good as eyes. A dog's memory is very good and she will remember the area where she runs and won't need a leash. Contact me if you need anymore help. Hugs Bee.


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