Saturday, October 15, 2011

Getting ready for winter

That's what's keeping us going at the moment, that and splitting that huge woodpile of ours last week-end. Now we have to get the big piles of cut wood stacked before the end of October as we can experience our first snowfall by the beginning of November. Lots to do in a short period of time...outdoor furniture to wash down and store in the basement; the pots of flowers to empty and be put into the chicken house, now the woodshed and garden shed. The pool to be closed, the snowblower to be taken out and test run...that won't happen until the first snowfall and then, Murphy's Law requires it to break down. There is much noise from the garage when that happens. I make myself scarce when that happens. And, of course, the B&B is keeping me busy until the end of October and that's pretty much it for the season...only a few guests over wintertime and I can get to work in my studio again without interruption.

Miss AnnieBelle had her third bath since coming to live here early April. This time she didn't try to climb out of the tub until near the end and I stayed relatively dry. Only thing I didn't expect was sitting on the lid of the toilet and she came up beneath my knees and dried herself on my jeans. Had to stand in front of the woodstove to dry out. There's only so much doggy odour I can deal with, then they go off to the spa for a cut, bath and grooming.

Sara, hope your mom continues to hold her own. It's good when they feel good enough to complain about something. Grace, how are things at your household with your husband?

Done my bit, like Sara says, where's everyone...



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