Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Holidays!

And Happy whatever else you might celebrate this time of year! (I am fond of Winter Solstice pagan festivals myself...)

I am not having my best Christmas week so far -- terribly busy dealing with all the things that have to be dealt with to get my little old lady's home on the market (think cleaning, sorting, packing) and spending a couple of hours a day trapping and relocating cats from a doomed feral colony, thereby running way behind on all the holiday preparations, and then the cold I thought I was fighting turned out to be a fairly vicious case of flu. Several days ago I had to come to a complete halt and let DH take over... Fortunately I am not expecting the usual crowd for Christmas dinner, so I should be able to cope with at least getting a turkey cooked. And if that proves to be too much, DH can follow wheezed instructions from the other room. Did I mention that the latest thing to go is my voice? The jerks keep laughing when I try to say something. I am not amused!

The post about losing a mom and having no place to go for Christmas rang a huge bell for me. Years ago, when my kids were still young, we alternated Christmas between my Mom and DH's Mom. And then one day it occurred to me that we were not making the sort of traditions that would survive the loss of our Moms. I let it be known in the family that henceforth Christmas dinner for my kids would be at my house -- and anybody who wanted to come would be very welcome indeed. There was initially some surliness from some of the in-laws, but over the years, as more and more of the siblings adopted my plan, even the Moms agreed that it was a better way. And now I am the Grandma and one of these I will find myself retired from the Christmas dinner preparations -- and I will try to be gracious about it! LOL

Sorry about babbling on like that! Really, I only stopped in to wish everyone the very best of the season and a New Year that provides the best of everything for you and those you love. And may you all lose your stitch rippers and not even notice that they are gone!

Jean at Mill Bay, in the midst of the Christmas season with not a trace of any senses of smell or taste -- how cruel is that?


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