Saturday, October 30, 2010

Wondering what mischief I can get into

This is Emily Big-tits. I bought her on KiJiJi (sp?) this past summer in downtown Toronto. I needed a mannequin upon which I could place my quilted clothing for photography. Emily resides in my guest dining room for lack of room elsewhere. She's lucky to have clothes on and during my B&B season this past summer, often did not. This caused a few male guests to comment on her abundant 'gifts' which were blatantly present as they ate their breakfasts. She is a shameless hussy.
After loosing Ceilidh to hemangiosarcoma and learning to know what the term 'heart-dog' meant, I turned to making dog-grooming aprons to alleviate my grief process and which I donated to the recently held Australian Shepherd Nationals in Texas this past week, hoping to add to the funds raised by ASHGI (Australian Shepherd Health & Genetics Inst.) for canine cancer and epilepsy, two diseases this organization donates money to for research.
Since our ads here on the Chat Board seem to pick up threads from our posts I'm wondering if the subject of erectile dysfunction has come up; bed bugs (a current topic in Toronto)...what else can we think of to challenge the Google ads...surely there must be other topics we can talk about and see how they run with it.

Rosey on a Saturday night in the country.


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