Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Algonquin Park Video

Doris, where in the world and how in the world do you find these things? I've watched it; it will probably put my slow-speed/high speed internet service over its limit...Bell signs you up then forgets to mention there is a cap on your band-width.

To explain the in-Canadian Jokes:

We have provinces, not states. States have governors, we have premiers. Danny Williams is the ninth premier of Newfoundland & Labrador (look to the east folks...Newfoundland is called the rock and I'm told it's wild and gorgeous. The Newfoundlanders are supposed to be pretty nice folks too.

Canadian Tire stores are our large chain of hardware, everything stores. Stephen Harper is our current Prime Minister, see the following: "Stephen Joseph Harper, PC, MP (born April 30, 1959) is the 22nd and current Prime Minister of Canada, and leader of the Conservative Party." We have Prime Ministers, the US has presidents. Stephen Harper is known as a not so benevolent dictator and control freak within his caucus (sp?)...but then he has a nice hair cut.

Jim Flaherty is his finance minister and always the butt of people's antagonism because he delivers the financial laxative that Canadians live by. He's Harper's fall guy. He's probably paid well to be his fall guy and he'll have a nice pension, also paid for by us taxpayers.

So that in a nutshell is the Canadianisms explained. And Rick Mercer is a clever comedian. You wonder where his staff come up with the ideas he gets to perform. No snow as yet in Algonquin Park (Grace could attest to that if she was at home) so it must have been done last winter. We are still snowless, thank heavens.

Marion, I truly would be around the bend experiencing these earthquake/after shocks. I'd be bumping up my tickets to Hong Kong at this rate. Too bad DD#1 is off flying around the UK right now. I'd be heading out of New Zealand about now.

Rosey, a Canadian, eh !!


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