Friday, May 28, 2010

Oh Well....

Thank you, Bee and how are you coping with life at the moment? I would think finding oneself alone is an adjustment. How are you doing?

I don't think Ceilidh will mind but I picked up her ashes at suppertime tonight and came home to nothing but confusion. She is still sitting on the kitchen counter; I am numb. Running a B&B is fun most of the time but this week-end will be hectic. I have five ladies here for two nights and one gentleman here, who has taken over our north/west field for a world-wide ham radio Morris Code contest. He has a tent up there although will sleep on a cot in the familyroom when he does sleep; the field is full of towers, wires and signs saying radio frequency going on...of course, it's mostly to keep out nosy people so he can concentrate on what he's doing. He asked for coffee just before the contest opened at 8 pm tonight (it's now 8:27 pm) and as I was going in two directions at once, I asked him to make the coffee....Total Disaster. He had not placed the coffee maker back together the way it should be and I had coffee and grounds all over the machinery, counter, etc. Himself has now been sent up to the field with a note's your coffee and DO NOT touch the coffee maker. I've left him a karafe of coffee with a glass mug to heat up in the micro wave. He has an aluminum Starbucks coffee mug. I'm sure he'd blow the microwave up if he stuck it in there. Meanwhile, the ladies are all fluttering around, wanting pay by dividing their funds in five..and I've said: no. Pay me for the rooms, sort out who you owe amongst yourselves. Sheesh.

Now the house is empty aside from the dogs and me. And still, there is Ceilidh. She will go to the bedroom tonight and be there all week-end. Safer there than down around all these people. My life is like himself described his 30 yrs flying for Air Canada....sheer boredom punctuated by moments of sheer terror. It's either feast or famine......too many people around or not enough.

Sara, this is good information to have and particularly the hospitals around the country. Boston would be the closest, until PA gets set up, for us here. I hope your hubby's treatment proves successful.

Right now, I do not have my wits about me.



At May 29, 2010 at 8:17 AM , Blogger Doris W. in TN said...

Rosey - That was quick service on the cremains. Alex's took almost two weeks. We still keep forgetting to spread them at his favorite walkies places, so he is still in the kitchen cupboard next to the chips.

At May 31, 2010 at 7:01 PM , Blogger Jane in NC said...

Molly is in the back of my closet. My kids have been instructed that she and Shadow, if I survive her as well, are to go into the ground with my cremains at the site where Al's cremains have been interred.

At June 2, 2010 at 8:13 AM , Blogger Sara in Florida said...

Gosh, both Doris and Jane--remind me not to eat the chips in Doris' house.
My dear GF in West Palm had her husband cremated, she carried him in the trunk of her car for 2 years until the car lease was up. Now he is in the closet under the shoes!
(They were going to do a surf out-burial in the ocean, but a hurricane was coming then, so it never got done)
Sara in Fla.


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