Saturday, November 1, 2008

The Nice Thing About A Small Town is....

The post office knows where you are even if people just put R.R.5 on the envelope instead of these extremely long and cumbersome emergency numbers they are insisting we add to our mailing addresses (which we now have to do). The nice thing about a small town is when I phone our bank to inquire about an account, the receptionist recognizes my voice and calls me by name before I announce who it is calling. The nice thing about a small town is that my biggest traffic jam often comes when a flock of turkeys walk in front of the car or in sprintime when the turtles all come out of the swampy areas beside the road and commit hari-kari on the roads at night. The not so nice thing about this small town is that it's just an hour north of a major cosmopolitain city where people are shooting pedestrians who get in the way of people who they are really meaning to shoot. The traffic congestion in the city is slowly reaching its tentacles north and westward and while it may be a boone when it's time to sell this house, given the fact that the bottom has fallen out of the stock and real estate market at the moment, hopefully, we will gain in having ten acres where people have privacy if they wish. I'd say the city is 1/3rd of the way up to us now. May I live long enough to see it knocking on my doorstep for that will be a nice increase in my investment here. Life doesn't work that way unless one's lucky with the timing of it.

I expected warmer weather this week-end. Someone fooled me. I'm in summer clothes. I will be chilly.



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