Sunday, November 2, 2008

More this & that

I forgot to add my 2 cents worth on the boat racing. Like some of you, I like to be near the water, but not on it. I like to kayak in the rivers, lakes, etc. but would never kayak on the ocean. I think it's wonderful that the nephew can do something like this. After all, some may look at me and say, why would anyone want to run?
DH slept most of the night and is currently sleeping. He said on a scale of 1 -10 he was a 5. Maybe a day of sleeping, resting on the couch is just the thing.
Our football team lost to Ga. Tech last night. Sigh- - - - The Gators won over Georgia, so we will have to put up with them gloating for another year.
Small towns--I loved Kinsale, in Ireland my favorite town.
I guess I'm a surburban girl. I like having my own house and green grass and flowers, and nice neighbors. Wouldn't want to live in Miami or NYC in a tiny apt. The convience of having a car to take me anywhere is great. By the way-good news-gas has come down 40 cents in a week. Maybe it will get below $2.00 a gal. soon.
Did anyone see the giant pumpkins? Some were over 1500 lbs. The seeds are worth a lot of $$$. I have to have the brownest thumb in the world, would have starved to death if had to grow my own food.
Jane- It's good to know that some small towns take care of each other. I have not experienced that part of small town life. My DH said his Mom always won the cake contests in their little town when he was a boy. It must have been like a county fair, she won blue ribbons.
If you haven't already eatten the cake, slice it up and freeze it in sections in zip-lock bags.
Going to play nurse Nancy some more then watch the 1:00 football game.
Sara in Fla.


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